Credit cards are more than just a means to pay for things. When used the right way, they can offer many benefits like rewards, sign-up bonuses, return protection, and concierge services, among other things. While these benefits are quite popular, we’ve listed out some of the lesser-known benefits of credit cards here:
Roadside Assistance
If your car breaks down and you have a credit card that offers this service, the credit card provider will dispatch someone to the location you are at the moment to either jump start your car or to tow it to the nearest repair shop.
Primary Rental Car Insurance
Certain credit cards offer car insurance for rental cars. This means if you meet with an accident during your vacation, you may not need to file a claim with your car insurance company.
Travel Assistance
In case of a medical or legal emergency during your travel, you can make use of your credit card if it offers travel assistance. All you’ll need to do in this case is call the international hotline, get the doctor on the phone, and visit the nearest hospital recommended by your card provider. If it is a legal emergency, you will be put in touch with a lawyer.
Price Protection
If you’ve paid full price when purchasing something and then happen to notice that it’s price has reduced since when you bought it, you can check whether your credit card offers purchase protection. If it does, you can claim the difference.
Extended Warranty
If you buy a device with a one-year warranty and it stops working after the warranty period, it’s likely that you may have to pay for the repair. However, if you have a credit card that offers extended warranty coverage, any repairs that are covered under the original warranty will be paid through the coverage the card offers.
Remember that not all benefits listed above will be offered by all credit cards. Credit card providers usually reserve cards with the best perks for applicants with excellent credit scores. If your credit score is not great, do not worry! Repaying your debts and keeping your credit utilization score low can boost your credit score in no time!